Leg Day: Progress

So, after my leg day from last week, I am finally recovered. Hamstrings are thoroughly stretched and no longer sore. So, I figured today would be a nice day to do, you guessed it, more legs! Unfortunately, I had not much in the way of time for workouts today so I only got in three workouts. So this is my progress so far:

Leg Press 12×360 12×360 12×360

Split Squats (on each leg, dumbbell in each hand) 12×25’s 12×25’s 12×25’s

Seated Calf Raises 12×160 12×160 12×170

Yeah, very happy with progress, but I feel I could do better. I am at 174.1 lbs. with an unknown Body Fat Percentage. 


Running and Lifting: What works and what doesn’t?

My best bet for collegiate sports is cross-country running, if any, though wrestling is the next choice in my book. Every single time I do XC lifting sessions with the team, my coach tells me that light and quick with the weights is the way to go. Why not take the advice of my coach, right? He should know what he is talking about after all! The thing about his advice though is that it is followed by two explanations and one is logical, but the other isn’t (not to me at least). First, he says that too much BIG muscle will slow me down on the trail and that, as a female, you don’t want to be all bulked up because it’s terribly unattractive and I won’t enjoy the way my body looks. At this point, I am thoroughly confused: coach, aren’t you supposed to be giving me running advice, not reflections on my perceived happiness? There are very few people I take THAT advice from, and he is not one of them. The thing is though, he is right with his first point. Being immature as I am when it comes to proving people wrong, I want to bulk up and look how I want to, but still run. Overcoming the slow aspect would prove even more that the “big girls” can run, whether its fat weight (last season) or muscle weight (this upcoming season). Though, I do not think I will be able to, though. This summer’s training will be primarily comprised of two regimens: intense running and intense yoga practices. Both with lead me down only one path: lean and long muscle, no bulk. While I would be happy with this, I still want to continue on in my life to be a force to be reckoned with on the mat and in the weight room, so this my not be too conducive to those dreams. Hopefully, regardless of the form my muscle comes to me in, it is helpful to both directions my athleticism takes me. 

Flip-flop weekend in weight-loss

Grr! So, I end the weekend at 174lbs. Rather frustrating because Sunday morning I was as low as 170. But I’m going to give myself that gain because hey, it was a weekend. Lazy Sundays are great, but can be a monkey-wrench when it comes to good intentions and waning will-power. I did get some sort a workout though: three hours of dancing Saturday was tiring but beyond fun. Rocked the Cha Cha Slide to end it off too. This weekend wasn’t the best weekend I have had regarding food decisions, but I got better about my obsessive weight-checking. Only once in the morning and once at night, but I want to bump that down to only in the morning. Hopefully, my habit from wrestling goes away as well: binge eating. That’s what really messed me up this weekend. But oh well! Turning over a new leaf today: salad and fruit for lunch (after a protein smoothie breakfast) along with a healthful dinner and after-noon snack or two. I will also be completing a 45 min. weight-lifting session (pecs, lats, delts) in the morning and maybe an hour of cardio in the afternoon. Hopefully, I will be able to stick with my will-power and get better at following through with it from here on out!